UF Sorority Recruitment FAQ
Thinking about going through Sorority Recruitment 2016, or maybe you’re a planner and are thinking about going through Sorority Recruitment 2017? My name is Lizzy, and I was an Alpha Chi Omega PC 11 and also served as the Panhellenic Membership Vice President (aka I planned Sorority Recruitment) in 2014. Here’s some frequently asked questions I got asked about the Recruitment process at the University of Florida.
Does everyone get into a sorority?
Unfortunately, no, not everyone that signs up for recruitment is matched with a chapter. However, this is usually a very low percentage of women that decide to go through the recruitment process. Being in a sorority isn’t for everyone, and that’s completely okay.
Will I get to live in the house?
Probably! Living in the house is a great experience, and I would recommend it to everybody. However, different houses have different protocols for moving into the house. There’s a 99.9% chance you won’t be able to move into the house your first year in the sorority, as it’s pretty competitive. The women who live in the house sign up months and months in advance, and most of the time, there are not enough spots for all the women who want to live in the house. Many sorority members typically don’t get to move into the house until they’re juniors or seniors, if at all! But if you don’t get into the house, you can still live with sisters in Apartments near Sorority Row UF. This is another great option, because you can walk to the house for meals and chapter. I lived with my friends from my sorority and it was like we had our own mini sorority house!
What’s the deal with the meals?
Again, this depends on the chapter, but most offer lunch and dinner Monday through Friday. Some chapters offer breakfast, and women that live in-house might get more meals or snack opportunities as a part of their housing plan.
How expensive are dues?
According to the UF Panhellenic website (http://www.ufpanhellenic.org/), dues for new members range from $2,000 to $4,800 for your first semester. Don’t worry! I know this seems like a lot, but they drop to $1,300 to $2,700 after your first semester. Also, your meal plan is included in this number, which makes it a lot less scary. On-campus meal plans can cost as much as $3,910 a semester, which is more expensive than sorority dues alone. Also, these dues include social dues (aka socials and date functions) and other things like philanthropy fees, housing fees, staff fees (someone has to pay the chef), and some even include t-shirts. I encourage you to ask each chapter about finances as you become more serious about them!
What’s the time commitment?
You get in what you put out. You can only go to chapter once a week, or you can live on your sorority house couch. I recommend the latter, but to each her own. Sororities are made up of college students, so they understand that you’re busy because they are, too! I would definitely try to make it to the house for meals every day, though. They’re included in your dues, so why not?
What are legacies and letters of recommendation matter?
If your mom, sister, grandma, etc. was in a chapter, that means you’re a legacy to that chapter. Additionally, any alum from a chapter can write you a letter of recommendation to the chapter they were a member of. If you’re not a legacy or don’t have any letters of recommendation – don’t freak out! Your mom, sister, or grandma’s chapter could have been much different at her school, and you may decide it’s not the best fit for you at UF. Or, you may find that you feel closer to them after joining the same chapter – but that decision is totally up to you! And letters of recommendation are nice, but they are no means necessary for a successful recruitment! Just be yourself and your personality will shine through.
If I go through recruitment, do I have to join a sorority?
No! Until you’re initiated, you have no ties to the chapter. That means you have about an 8-week trial period to decide if you your new home away from home. If you’re unsure about your new chapter, I highly encourage you to at least give it a chance! Go eat the free food on bid day and let them shower you with presents before you decide it’s not for you. Who knows, you might end up loving it.