5 Tips for surviving UF Sorority Life from an Alum
My name is Lizzy Shebanek, and I’m a graduate student at the University of Florida. I was a member of Alpha Chi Omega for four years and am a proud PC 11. Joining a sorority was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I wanted to share some advice on how to make the most of your experience. Enjoy!
Get involved
Joining other organizations on campus is a great way to meet new people! It also gives you the opportunity to beef up your resume doing something you love. Want to be involved in the political sphere? Check out senate. Love Harry Potter? Join the Quidditch team. There are over 1,000 clubs and organizations at the University of Florida – there’s something for everyone. Check out the Student Activities & Involvement Organizations Directory to find something that interests you.
Make friends with people outside your chapter, council, and Greek life
Stay friends with the people you meet in your dorm – these could end up being some of your best friends in college. Say hi to the person next to you in class, even if you don’t know them. Notice someone’s in a bunch of your classes? Introduce yourself! You’ll probably have a bunch of classes throughout your college careers, and there’s nothing better than a guaranteed group project member.
Go to your chapter house
My single best recommendation is to go to your sorority house! You get out of it what you put in, so go to lunch and hang out between classes. Go on your date functions and attend every social you can. Sit with someone new at lunch, ask an older sister for some advice, or talk to a new member and make them feel more comfortable. My fondest memories are of lunch at my chapter house, and once those four years are up, you’ll never get them back. Take advantages of your undergraduate days and make the most of them.
Live with members of your chapter
I made lifelong friends in my sorority, and part of the reason we became so close is because we lived together. There are several apartments near Sorority Row UF where you can walk to the house or class with your roommates. Living with sisters makes decorating a breeze, too! Just put up all the letters your bigs gave you and your apartment will basically decorate itself.
Appreciate that everyone is different
Not every woman in your chapter is exactly the same, and that’s what makes your chapter great. Appreciate the differences in your sisters and let them help you realize who you are as a person. Everyone comes to the University of Florida with different experiences, so why not use them to expand your own horizons?